B 3, A 3, R 4, S 3, W 5, L 6/8, I 3, C 3, ESS 6, EDG 4, M 6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 11
Armor: 8
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 10, Social 6
Physical Initiative: 7+1D6
Astral Initiative: 6+3D6
Active Skills: Alchemy 1, Arcana 1, Assensing 4, Astral Combat 1, Banishing 2, Binding 1, Computer 1, Con 2, Counterspelling 4, Etiquette 1, Perception 3, Spellcasting 6, Summoning 5
Knowledge Skills: Gambling 2, Grey Markets 2, Magical Bounties 3, Magical Security 4, Magical Theory 4, Seattle Gangs 3
Languages: English N
Qualities: Allergy, Common (Mild): Soy, Creature of Comfort (Middle Lifestyle), Hermetic Magician, Prototype Transhuman: Allergy, Common (Mild): Soy, Uncanny Healer
Spells: Fireball, Improved Invisibility, Increase Reflexes, Influence, Lightning Bolt, Magic Fingers, Mana Barrier, Manabolt, Mind Probe, Mob Mind, Physical Barrier, Stunball
Cerebral Booster (Prototype) (2) w/ Prototype Transhuman
Damage Compensators (Prototype) (4) w/ Prototype Transhuman
Mnemonic Enhancer (Prototype) (2) w/ Prototype Transhuman
Actioneer Business Clothes w/ Fire Resistance (4), Nonconductivity (2), White Noise Generator (4)
Astral Space Preservation Society (ASPS) x3
FTL Quark w/ Modify the Firewall Attribute: Data Processing
James Sanderson w/ Fake License: Mage (4), Fake SIN (4), (1 month) Middle Lifestyle
Percival w/ Fake SIN (1)
Reagents, Raw (dram): Hermetic x10
Sustaining Focus: Health Spells (4)
Telescoping Mirror on a Stick
Dimestore (Connection 5, Loyalty 2)
Henry (Connection 2, Loyalty 1)
Starting ¥: 70 + (4D6 × 100)¥
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