new book, who dis?

Well, somehow I managed to kill the LCD panel on my old chromebook, the one I’d been using for as long as this site has existed, and even before, when I was taking classes at Douglas.

I remember I bought it because my old white macbook didn’t have the battery life to do much. That chromebook survived various projects, going strange places. It’s what I used for the couple of live blogs that I did and for the few interviews I did. And it went cross country with me, though I wasn’t blogging much then, so it was just a bridge between the SD card and the portable hard drive that I was storing all the dash cam footage on.

It was $400 Canadian, to buy it from Costco, or another Canadian site, and it would have come with at least a two year warranty. Buying it on, as a refurbished machine, with a 90 day warranty, it was less than $200 Canadian.

In many ways, I’m not sure if I am who I was when I start this site. Some aspects are the same, but the life choices I’ve made and the world that I’m attempting to ignore have somewhat changed.

Currently, I’m finding myself falling asleep randomly, far too often, while also having insomnia and trouble falling asleep at other times. It’s left me fairly drained, which isn’t helped by spending my days running errands and being patient.

Tomorrow, I’m getting a loaner CPAP machine, after the set of tests I’ve had. In theory, it’ll be one of those life changing things, where I get my energy back and start being able to actively do things, start loosing weight again, building up stamina, etc. In practice? Well, I’ll have a little more energy, I’ll be less likely to fall asleep randomly, but I’m not sure what else it’ll change.

Either way, people have said they want to see more of my writing, so I guess I should be writing more. It’ll help justify the expense of this laptop.

Thinking back, I think I should see about enrolling in Douglas again. It would give me a structured reason to be out of the house for a while a couple of times a week, and maybe I’d meet some new people. Of course, I’d feel even older than the last time.

1 Comment

  1. Lonely_pup

    What courses are you looking at?


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