B 3, A 5, R 6/11, S 3, W 4, L 4, I 4, C 5, ESS 0.02, EDG 4
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10
Armor: 9
Limits: Physical 7, Mental 6, Social 5
Physical Initiative: 10/15+4D6
Active Skills: Acting Group 5, Athletics Group 1, Blades 1, Computer 1, Demolitions 1, Escape Artist 1, Influence Group 1, Locksmith 2, Longarms 2, Outdoors Group 1, Perception 3, Pistols 3, Stealth Group 3, Unarmed Combat 2
Languages: Aztlaner Spanish 3, Chinese 3, English N, German 3, Japanese 3, Russian 4
Qualities: Big Regret, Hobo with a Shotgun, Incomplete Deprogramming, Restricted Gear: Wired Reflexes (Alphaware)
Cyberears (Alphaware) (1) w/ Audio Analyzer (Alphaware), Sound Link (Alphaware)
Data Lock (Alphaware) (1)
False Face
Reaction Enhancers (Alphaware) (2)
Skin Toner (Alphaware)
Smuggling Compartment (Alphaware)
Voice Modulator (4)
Wired Reflexes (Alphaware) (3)
Identity: Specify Name w/ Fake SIN (1), (1 month) Squatter Lifestyle
Identity: Specify Name w/ Fake SIN (4), (2 months) Street Lifestyle
Lined Coat w/ Lightly Worn
Meta Link
Lockpick Set
Meta Link
Sequencer (5)
Remington 990 [Shotgun, Acc 5, DV 11S, AP –, SA, 8 (c)] w/ (20x) Gel Rounds, Personalized Grip
Bayonet [Blade, Reach 2, Acc 4, DV 4P, AP -1]
Bayonet [Blade, Reach 2, Acc 4, DV 4P, AP -1]
Combat Axe [Blade, Reach 2, Acc 4, DV 8P, AP -4]
Bartender (Connection 1, Loyalty 3)
Church Pastor (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Fixer (Connection 5, Loyalty 2)
Starting ¥: 775 + (2D6 × 40)¥
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Shadowrun © 2005-2015 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc.