Created with Hero Lab®
B 2, A 2, R 2, S 2, W 5, L 4, I 5, C 6, ESS 6, EDG 5, M 6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 9 / 11
Armor: 8
Limits: Physical 3, Mental 6, Social 8
Physical Initiative: 7/9+2D6
Astral Initiative: 10+3D6
Active Skills: Assensing 5, Con 6, Counterspelling 1, Enchanting Group 2, Etiquette 2, Impersonation 1, Intimidation 1, Leadership 1, Navigation 1, Negotiation 3, Perception 5, Spellcasting 6, Summoning 6
Knowledge Skills: Corp Politics 1, Gang Politics 2, Interesting pseudo-history 2, Tour Areas Knowledge 4
Languages: English N, French 3, German 3, Japanese 3
Qualities: Creature of Comfort (Middle Lifestyle), Day Job (1,000¥/month, 10 hrs/week), Focused Concentration (2), Mentor Spirit: Bat, Norse Magician, Uncanny Healer
Spells: Analyze Truth, Foreboding, Heal, Increase Reflexes, Mindnet Extended, Physical Barrier, Shapechange, Stunbolt, Toxic Wave, Trid Entertainment
Cocotaxi [Handling 4/2, Speed 3, Accel 2, Body 5, Armor 4, Pilot 1, Sensor 1, Seats 3]
Anti-Theft System (2)
Linguistics: English (local language)
Linguistics: Japanese (Manufacturer’s Language)
Morphing license plate
Spoof chip
Ace of Wands w/ Gear Access, Shock Weave
Albrecht Robinson w/ (0 months) Day Job, Fake License: Spellcasting (1), Fake SIN (4), (1 month) Traveler Lifestyle
Ballistic Mask (Customized) w/ Micro-Tranceiver, Trodes
Guy DeCiti w/ Fake SIN (1)
Matrix Systems GridGopher
Bartender (Connection 1, Loyalty 3)
Fixer (Connection 3, Loyalty 4)
Talismonger (Connection 3, Loyalty 4)
Handling 4, Handling (Off-Road) 2, Speed 3, Acceleration 2, Body 5, Pilot 1, Sensor 1, Seating 3, Device Rating 1, Data Processing 1, Firewall 1
Condition Monitor: 15
Armor: 4H
Limits: Mental 2
Physical Initiative: 2+4D6
Vehicle Mods:
Anti-Theft System (2)
Morphing license plate
Spoof chip
Linguistics: English (local language)
Linguistics: Japanese (Manufacturer’s Language)
Spirit of Air
Force 4
B 2, A 7, R 8, S 1, W 4, L 4, I 4, C 4, ESS 4, EDG 2, M 4
Condition Monitor (P/S): 9 / 10
Movement: x2/x4/+10
Armor: 8H
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 6, Social 6
Physical Initiative: 12+2D6
Astral Initiative: 8+3D6
Active Skills: Assensing 4, Astral Combat 4, Perception 4, Running 4, Unarmed Combat 4
Critter Powers: Accident (8dicepool vs. Reaction + Intuition), Astral Form, Concealment (-4dicepool for 20 small or 4 large targets), Confusion (8dicepool vs. Willpower + Logic), Engulf (6dicepool vs. Strength + Body): Air, Guard (4 characters), Immunity to Normal Weapons (Armor Rating 8), Materialization, Movement (x/÷ 4), Sapience, Search (8dicepool (5, 10 minutes))
Engulf: Air [Unarmed, Acc 4, DV 8S, AP -4]
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