Goodreads and an ereader.

So, the other day, I decided to buy myself an e-reader. After considering a few options, I decided on a kobo. Figured I should go with the Canadian option, with all things being equal.

I like the way it displays text, and I’m pretty happy with how easy it is to load books onto it, when it’s plugged in. I’ve yet to get the wireless remote loading functionality working, at least for books I’ve not bought through the kobo store.

Book prices seem a bit high, but that’s probably because I figure books should be slightly cheaper without the whole printing process. That’s probably a different discussion though.

I’ve opened up an account on goodreads, to try to track things a bit better and get some better recommendations.

1 Comment

  1. ·

    Goodreads is also handy for their giveaways. I’ve gotten about a dozen books off there just by tossing the occasional glance at the list of giveaways


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