Arthur – created with Hero Lab®
B 2, A 4, R 4, S 2, W 5, L 6/8, I 4, C 3, ESS 6, EDG 4, M 6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 9 / 11
Armor: 8
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 11, Social 6
Physical Initiative: 8+1D6
Astral Initiative: 8+3D6
Active Skills: Acting Group 1, Arcana 1, Assensing 3, Astral Combat 1, Athletics Group 1, Conjuring Group 3, Counterspelling 4, Enchanting Group 1, Influence Group 1, Perception 3, Pistols 1, Ritual Spellcasting 2, Spellcasting 6, Stealth Group 1
Knowledge Skills: Classical Music 2, Gambling 2, Grey Markets 2, Magical Bounties 3, Magical Security 4, Magical Theory 4, Seattle Gangs 3
Languages: English N
Qualities: Allergy, Common (Mild): Soy, Hawk Eye, Hermetic Magician, Prototype Transhuman: Allergy, Common (Mild): Soy, Uncanny Healer
Spells: Control Thoughts, Detect Enemies, Extended, Improved Invisibility, Increase Reflexes, Lightning Bolt, Mind Probe, Mindnet Extended
Rituals: Watcher
Cerebral Booster (Prototype) (2) w/ Prototype Transhuman
Damage Compensators (Prototype) (4) w/ Prototype Transhuman
Mnemonic Enhancer (Prototype) (2) w/ Prototype Transhuman
Actioneer Business Clothes
Astral Space Preservation Society (ASPS) x12
FTL Quark w/ Modify the Firewall Attribute: Data Processing
Stun Dongle w/ Internal Battery
James Sanderson w/ Fake License: Mage (4), Fake SIN (4), (1 month) Middle Lifestyle
Percival w/ Fake SIN (1)
Stun Dongle [Club, Reach 1, Acc 4, DV 9S(e), AP -5] w/ Internal Battery
Dimestore (Connection 5, Loyalty 2)
Henry (Connection 3, Loyalty 2)
Jason (Connection 3, Loyalty 2)
Starting ¥: 1,500 + (4D6 × 100)¥
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
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