Adjusting to Days.

So, with everything that’s happened at work, I’ll be working day shift for the next while, which actually works really well for me, in theory. It is very different, since I’ve been working the evening shift for at least 9 months now. I’ve gotten used to not having a social life, not being able to attend the weekday game nights, missing the weeknight dinners, etc.

It’ll mean getting up around 7 am, which means I’ll have time to have breakfast with Gram. Getting off at 6 pm instead of 9 pm, means I’ll be able to have dinner with her more often.

In the mornings and in the evenings, I’ll be taking the bus during rush hour, which I’m not really a fan of. So far, it hasn’t been too bad, and I’ll probably be fine, since I’m before Brentwood, which is where most of the BCIT students get on, so I should be able to get a seat. I do have the option of just going to the turn around spot, getting the 130 there, where I know I’ll get a seat, and I might do that.

Mondays, which are the Ink Club thing, which AredBaroness wants me to attend to improve my writing.
Tuesday, I’ve got the Netrunner thing at Lion’s Pub, downtown. I’d like to get back into playing that.
Wednesdays, I can’t recall any specific event, possibly Netrunner at Magic Stronghold.
Thursday, I know there’s a munch some weeks, and there has been one Doomtown event that I’d like to attend.
Fridays, various things happen. I’ll probably find something to do.
Saturday, not much should change, though it might be a bit easier to get up. There’s at least one possible game that’ll be taking place on the Saturdays.

Sunday nights, I won’t be staying up late, but I haven’t been doing that for ages anyways. In the afternoons on Sunday, I will probably try to play some board games.

This week, on Sunday I’ve booked the Waves from 1 pm – 5 pm for Dark Moon.

Overall, I think this means I can have a social life again, though I have to be careful about getting enough sleep, since I’ll be needing to be in bed by 10-10:30, to be able to get enough sleep to get up for 7 am. Which means in most cases, I’ll be leaving wherever I am by about 9:30, if not earlier.

I’m sure there are other things I should add to this list, but that’s what I’ve got for now.

1 Comment

  1. Joe G

    If I were in town that would work great with my schedule. At least it improves our odds of catching up on weekends while I’m out of town


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